DINK Brighton - Club Morning (TUES 04 Feb - Stanley Deason 11:00 - 13:00) |

DINK Brighton Pickleball Club - Club Morning Social Play at Stanley Deason


£7.00 per person




11:00 - 13:00 Stanley Deason

About this experience

Tuesday morning club social matchplay with DINK Brighton Pickleball Club

PLEASE NOTE: This session is NOT for people who have never played before. Please book a taster.

Aimed at: Club Members and their guests.

Players booked into the session will be assigned a group of similar ability players to play social matchplay against.

All levels of playing ability welcome but we do require that you know the fundementals of how to play and can get into a match situation without guidance. If this is not you, please contact us to find out about our next taster sessions. 

Minimum number of participants: 4

Maximum number of participants: 12

Number of Courts: 2

What to expect:

  • provide you with a paddle if you need one
  • we will organise the warm up play to get you ready to start round robin social matches
  • will organise the players rotations in the round robin

Cost: £7 per person