DUPR 3.5+ Competitive Matchplay (Saturday 25 Jan - Stanley Deason 11:00 - 13:00)

Competitive MatchPlay at Stanley Deason


£8.50 per person




11:00 - 13:00 Stanley Deason

About this experience

3.5+ social matchplay with DINK Brighton Pickleball Club

PLEASE NOTE: This session is NOT for people who have never played before or who do not consider themselves 3.5+ on the DUPR rating scale.

Aimed at: Players considered 3.5+ on the DUPR scale. Please note, you do not have to have a 3.5+ DUPR rating, but are considered to be at least a high intermediate.

Minimum number of participants: 4

Maximum number of participants: 10

Number of Courts: 2

What to expect:

  • provide you with a paddle if you need one
  • we will organise the warm up play to get you ready to start round robin social matches
  • will organise the players rotations in the round robin
  • will submit match scores to DUPR

Cost: £8.50 per person